2022 tax deadline is Tuesday 4/18. While an extension grants additional time to file, tax liabilities are always due by that initial filing deadline.
What this means: if you owed tax or will owe tax with your 2022 returns, it is recommended to pay that balance by 4/18. You may need to estimate this amount if you are still waiting on documents and your 2022 returns are not in process.
2023 Estimates – Q1 estimates are already due as well. If you are supposed to be making quarterly payments, your 2022 tax return copy will likely include those ES vouchers with the amounts, due dates, and payment instructions (federal and state where applicable). If you are on extension, you may not have this information readily available. In that event, you may increase wage withholding or estimate the quarterly payment. 2023 tax planning will commence right after the 4/18 deadline, please coordinate time on my calendar if this applies to you.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out. We will be submitting extension requests for any returns not filed by the 4/17. Proof of the extension request will also be printed to your smartvault folder for your records.