Dear valued client,
Each year we send out electronic organizers to help guide you with the information and documents our firm will need in order to prepare your return. You should receive a separate email soon with the link and password instructions for your individual organizer. Please note the following:
- We still use Sharefile for our secure client portal – your email address on file should be your username. Please continue to use this system to upload/share documents with us including all tax documents and relevant statements you receive. It’s always appreciated if you can send us an email once you believe all relevant tax season documents are added to sharefile. We understand this takes time as not all tax documents arrive quickly.
- E-Organizers are optional but recommended! We do not require that you fill this out and return to us, but it is highly recommended for the following items (and it’s easy/convenient):
- in the GENERAL tab, you can update taxpayer info including mailing address, legal name, direct deposit bank info, add/edit dependents, as well as completing the questionnaire and sending us a note with specific questions you may have for this season. Many of the questions on the questionnaire will be asked directly by us anyways via email if not provided in the E-organizer.
- 2021 Estimates Payments and Penalties section – please provide estimated tax payment details or email us directly with these details.
- Income section – not required, but please provide all income docs by uploading to sharefile. If you have a new income source, you may add that as an item in the income tab to alert us of the new activity.
- Deductions – same, not required, but a simple way to provide this information to our firm. We still request the official tax statement for items like mortgage, charitable donations, etc.
- Returning the E-Organizer – VERY SIMPLE. Once you are finished updating any details you want to share, there is a button at the bottom right labeled “return to preparer”. This option will return a secure file back to our firm to import into our software.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions. We are also still happy to schedule virtual tax appointments as available. Brian’s calendar link is on the home page as well as in his email signature.